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18U Female


Kaitlyn Andrew
Emily Aubie 
Callie Barclay
Amélie Doiron
Addison Frontin
Emma Gabriel
Hayden Jones

Lauren Magee
Tina Parent
Emily Pottier-Roy
Marlee Rice
Alexi Walker 
Marissa Wallace

2023-2024 Season

This is a tentative schedule and based on previous years. Coaches reserve the right to amend the seasonal plan once the final team is selected/season starts.
- First practice- September 13th from 8-10pm at Leo Hayes.

- September-November- Freddy Women’s League
- September 30-October 1 – Freddy Open
- October 14 - Spartans Club Bottle Drive (club fundraiser)
- November 3-5 – Omnium du Québec in Sherbrooke
- November 18- Spartans 18u Girls Home Tournament

- Various dates - Two other 18u VNB club tournaments
- December 9-10 – VNB Senior Open in Moncton

- December 16-17 – VNB 18U Provincials in Moncton
- January & February – Senior Women’s Tournaments

- February – Spartans Bottle Drive (individual fundraiser)
- March 1-3- Boston Volleyball Festival
- March – Nova Scotia 18u or senior women’s tournament
- April 12-14 – Elites of the East in Fredericton
- could add extra travel tournament between February and May.

Cost from September to April is generally between $1,500-$2,000 per athlete (minus any money raised from fundraising*) Fee includes: clothing, practice fees, coaches expenses, tournament registrations, and some travel/accommodation costs for Quebec/USA tournaments. Additional costs with respect to travel tournaments are to be expected. The team will keep a detailed seasonal budget and parents will be well-informed on payment schedules and fundraising expectations/opportunities.

* Please note that in previous years, some payments were eliminated as athletes were able to fundraise in the range of $400 - $700 each, depending on each athlete's level of participation in fundraising and team tournament hosting. Athletes are also encouraged to seek corporate sponsorship (letters can be provided). 

Practice Times

Wednesdays 8-10pm at Leo Hayes

Thursdays 7:30-9pm at Leo Hayes

Sundays 4:30-6 at Leo Hayes (subject to change)


*the practice schedule will be revised in January 2024 and will take into account NBIAA league play.


Josh Babin

Head Coach

"Josh is returning for his second season coaching with the Spartans club. He considers volleyball a lifelong passion and has been involved in the sport in either a playing or coaching capacity for the past 20 years. He is an NCCP - Performance Coach (In Training) and has coached six seasons of NBIAA high school volleyball, starting at HTHS in Moncton, and most recently the Fredericton Christian Academy.


As a youth he played club with the Moncton Gravitron, as well as the VNB team. This provided him the opportunity to compete in various provincial and national championships in both indoor and beach. He still enjoys playing today in various local leagues and tournaments. Off court, Josh enjoys the outdoors, music, and spending time with his wife and son."


Andrew Arseneau

Assistant Coach

Come back soon!

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